
Surprising Health Benefits Of Lettuce, White Cumin Seeds (Tukh-Me-Kahu)

Hello, everybody, you are most welcome on our blog of Jioo Organics. I hope you will like our blog posts, on a very ancient and Ayurveda herbal seed which is known by different names in Ayurveda Unani medicines systems and as well as different parts of India which are as follows. Introduction According to Ayurveda, the particular Tukhme Kahu seeds , (Lettuce Seeds) have a fresh efficacy (Taseer) in nature. These seeds are white, greenish-white or grayish-white in color which depends upon different species and local conditions where it is been grown all over the world as these seeds are derived from lettuce leaves (Salad Patta) only. Basically, Kahu seeds (Lettuce Seeds) are tasteless, or some of them are slightly bitter in taste depending upon their origin because of which they can be consumed in various healthy diet plan recipes different kitchen recipes or several combinations in Ayurveda. INGREDIENT NAME: Lactuca sativa Linn. English Name :  Lettuce, White Cumin